
Pubblications & Project Documents


Casonato C. & Bonfantini B. (Eds.) (2022). Cultural Heritage Education in the Everyday Landscape. School, Citizenship, Space and Representation. Cham: Springer.

ISBN: 978 3 031 10394 0

Casonato C., Vedoà M., Cossa G. (2022). Discovering the Everyday Landscape. A cultural heritage education project in the urban periphery. Siracusa: LetteraVentidue [Open Access]

ISBN: 978 88 6242 428 0

Casonato C., Vedoà M., Cossa G. (2021). Scoprire il paesaggio del quotidiano. Un progetto di educazione al patrimonio culturale nella periferia urbana. Siracusa: LetteraVentidue

ISBN: 978 88 6242 428 0

Polisocial Award – Esperienze di ricerca responsabile

a cura di Martin Broz
ISBN: 978 88 6493 046 6

A scuola di paesaggio – Mappa partecipata del patrimonio culturale di Milano Sud

a cura di Camilla Casonato, Nicoletta Di Blas, Bertrando Bonfantini, Micaela Bordin, Valeria Pracchi, Daniele Villa, Marco Vedoà
ISBN: 9 788899 237195

Bertone, G., Bordin, M., Casonato, C., Di Blas, N., Pracchi, V. & Vedoà, M. (2019). Schools as Protagonists in the Valorization and Communication of their Local Cultural Heritage. In J. Theo Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning, pp. 1562-1568. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Bonfantini, B., Casonato, C., Villa, D., Di Blas, N., Pracchi, V., Vedoà, M. (2019). Revealing the everyday landscape: innovative systems for heritage education in schools. The scar (school activates resources) project. In (editors) Brumana R. , PracchiV., Rinaudo F., Grimoldi A., Scaioni M., Previtali M., and Cantini L., Proceedings of the GEORES (Geomatics and Restoration) conference 2019, Milan, May 8-10. ISPRS International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 

Casonato, C., Greppi, A., Vedoà, M., (2020). Depicting the Urban Landscape. Enhancing the Cultural Heritage of Fragile Areas with Participatory Mapping Processes. In (editors) Agustin-Hernandez, L., Vallespin Muniesa, A., Fernandez Morales, A., Graphical Heritage – vol. 3 Mapping, Cartography and Innovation in Education. Springer Nature, p. 295-306 Proceedings of XVIII EGA 2020 International Conference Universidad De Zaragoza. 4-5-6 giugno 2020; Zaragoza (Spagna).

Casonato C. (2020). Using Graphics to Communicate Intangible

Cultural Heritage: Kids and Teens at Work! In: Cicalò E. (ed.), Proceedings of the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Image and Imagination IMG 2019, Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 182-194.

Casonato C., Cossa G. (2020). Landscape stories. Visual storytelling on the everyday landscape. In: Arena A., Arena M., Brandolino R.G., Colistra D., Ginex G., Mediati D., Nucifora S., Raffa P. (a cura di). Connettere. Un disegno per annodare e tessere. Atti del 42° Convegno Internazionale dei Docenti delle Discipline della Rappresentazione/Connecting. Drawing for weaving relationships. Proceedings of the 42th International Conference of Representation Disciplines Teachers. Milano: Franco Angeli, pp. 3025-3042.

Casonato, C., Vedoà, M., (2020). Enhancing Cultural Landscape Through Education. Involving schools in touristic products development to enhance suburban cultural landscape. ATLAS Annual Conference on Turism Transformation 2019. 17-20 settembre 2019; Girona (Spagna).

Casonato, C., Di Blas, N. (2020). ICTs for heritage education and tourism: communicating cultural landscape with schools. In L. Cantoni, S. De Ascaniis (Eds), Communication Technologies for Heritage Tourism, Edward Elgar Publishing.

Casonato, C., Di Blas, N., Fabbri M., Ferrari F. (2020). Little-known heritage and digital storytelling. Schools as protagonist in the rediscovery of the locality. Newcastle (Regno Unito): Cambridge Scholar.

Casonato, C., Greppi, A. (2020). Memorie dai margini della metropoli. Un progetto partecipativo di conoscenza e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale di periferia con i ragazzi delle scuole. AISU 2019. IX Congresso internazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Storia Urbana AISU. 11-14 Settembre, 2019; Bologna.

Project Documents

Dossier and database containing the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the territory.

This document is for internal use within the ScAR project and is password protected.

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