Bertone, G., Bordin, M., Casonato, C., Di Blas, N., Pracchi, V. & Vedoà, M. (2019). Schools as Protagonists in the Valorization and Communication of their Local Cultural Heritage. In J. Theo Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning, pp. 1562-1568. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Bonfantini, B., Casonato, C., Villa, D., Di Blas, N., Pracchi, V., Vedoà, M. (2019). Revealing the everyday landscape: innovative systems for heritage education in schools. The scar (school activates resources) project. In (editors) Brumana R. , PracchiV., Rinaudo F., Grimoldi A., Scaioni M., Previtali M., and Cantini L., Proceedings of the GEORES (Geomatics and Restoration) conference 2019, Milan, May 8-10. ISPRS International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Casonato, C., Greppi, A., Vedoà, M., (2020). Depicting the Urban Landscape. Enhancing the Cultural Heritage of Fragile Areas with Participatory Mapping Processes. In (editors) Agustin-Hernandez, L., Vallespin Muniesa, A., Fernandez Morales, A., Graphical Heritage – vol. 3 Mapping, Cartography and Innovation in Education. Springer Nature, p. 295-306 Proceedings of XVIII EGA 2020 International Conference Universidad De Zaragoza. 4-5-6 giugno 2020; Zaragoza (Spagna).
Documenti di presentazione del progetto
Dossier e database sul patrimonio culturale materiale e immateriale del territorio.
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