
Urban Games: From Gratosoglio to Stadera & Vigentour

Middle School class 3D – I.C. Arcadia – Milan

Teachers: G. Appolonia, M. C. Corvi, P. Ghinatti, M. T. Tamburini

Middle School class 2B – A. Toscanini – I.C. F. Filzi – Milan

Teachers: B. Cagnoni, D. Manenti, V. Chatzipetros e M. Bagnato

These playful paths were designed by class 2B at Middle School A. Toscanini and class 3D of Middle School at Istituto Arcadia for children and families to explore the territory. These geolocalised tourist-cultural game itineraries for mobile use are based on the free GaiaSmart mobile app.

The routes follow itineraries designed with the students and are enriched with the contents of their research on cultural heritage. Observation games or quizzes that test understanding of the contents lead from one stage to the next, guiding players in discovering the landscape.